Aura Healing Coaching

Aura Healing Coaching

Bron­ze: 1 hour 150,00 EUR
Sil­ver: 5 hours 700,00 EUR
Gold: 10 hours 1.300,00 EUR

The aura is a subt­le ener­gy field, in which dise­a­ses, blocka­ges, oaths, belief pat­terns, ener­gies, enti­ties and others are also stored. The­se influence our phy­si­cal, emo­tio­nal and spi­ri­tu­al sta­te of health. With the help of the aura scan, the curr­ent­ly most important issues and pro­blems are reve­a­led. During the aura heal­ing coa­ching Vanes­sa trains you in your ener­ge­tic self-awa­re­ness and gui­des you in fee­ling, see­ing and heal­ing. Depen­ding on your spe­cial wis­hes and ide­as, you can also work on a spe­ci­fic issue or the cau­se of a serious ill­ness can be resol­ved and hea­led. Among other things, the fol­lo­wing can be applied:

  • Dis­so­lu­ti­on of belief patterns
  • Balan­cing of dis­har­mo­nious frequencies
  • Heal­ing and for­gi­ve­ness of the ances­tral lineage
  • Heal­ing of old lives that affect the present
  • Inte­gra­ti­on of souls and heart parts that have been lost through trau­ma­tic experiences
  • Dis­so­lu­ti­on of black magic, libe­ra­ti­on from for­eign ener­gies, enti­ties and parasites
  • Heal­ing with the elements
  • Buil­ding up of light field energies

In Aura Coa­ching Sil­ver and Gold we work more inten­si­ve­ly on your issues. You will be com­ple­te­ly trans­for­med during this time and noti­ce a chan­ge in your ever­y­day life. Let yours­elf be surprised!