DNA Blueprint

DNA Blueprint

DNA Blue­print: 1 hour 224,00 EUR

Our DNA con­ta­ins all the infor­ma­ti­on that we have inhe­ri­ted and that we pass on to others. Ever­y­thing around us is made up of ener­gy, as clair­voy­ant peo­p­le can see and is also con­firm­ed by quan­tum phy­sics. Ener­gy is infor­ma­ti­on and is con­stant­ly chan­ging. With the DNA Blue­print, this infor­ma­ti­on can be brought into an opti­mal sta­te. This infor­ma­ti­on can be freed from ever­y­thing that bur­dens us, makes us ill or keeps us in a sta­te of defi­ci­en­cy. The­re are no limits to the appli­ca­ti­on of this method.

The Rus­si­an sci­en­tist Dr. Peter P. Garya­jev has dis­co­ver­ed that our DNA nucleo­ti­des form a kind of text that con­ta­ins infor­ma­ti­on. His rese­arch results in the field of wave gene­tics show that each nucleo­ti­de – a „let­ter” in the gene­tic text – has its own fre­quen­cy spec­trum. This fre­quen­cy can be made audi­ble to the human ear, so that our DNA mole­cu­les pro­du­ce a har­mo­nious sound. You could also say that DNA „sings”, and every per­son has their own uni­que melo­dy. Dr. Peter P. Garya­jev is con­vin­ced that our DNA is built accor­ding to the laws of beau­ty and harm­o­ny. If the natu­re of DNA is alte­red by trans­ge­nic mani­pu­la­ti­on, the harm­o­ny chan­ges to a chao­tic sta­te, which can lead to dise­a­se. By brin­ging the pati­ent into reso­nan­ce with the healt­hy ori­gi­nal infor­ma­ti­on, the­se dise­a­ses can be hea­led. Dis­tur­ban­ces in the ener­gy field are har­mo­ni­zed so that the per­son regains health.

Vanes­sa was shown the DNA Blue­print by the spi­ri­tu­al world and tried out the method on hers­elf. She was ama­zed at how much can chan­ge in a short space of time. The heal­ing of her DNA trans­for­med old pro­gramming and belief pat­terns in her ener­gy sys­tem that had pre­vious­ly been pas­sed on to her from gene­ra­ti­on to generation.

Do you have the fee­ling that some­thing in your body is out of balan­ce and no lon­ger vibra­tes in a way that is healt­hy and har­mo­nious for you? Then per­haps the DNA Blue­print is right for you! During DNA Blue­print Coa­ching, Vanes­sa takes a clair­voy­ant look at your DNA struc­tu­re tog­e­ther with you. Ever­y­thing is brought back to its ori­gi­nal, hea­led sta­te. You will noti­ce a chan­ge in your body and also in your ever­y­day life. This pro­cess is dif­fe­rent and indi­vi­du­al for every soul.

Booking and Zoom

Booking and appointment

The offer takes place via zoom video call and in indi­vi­du­al cases on site. When boo­king your appoint­ment, plea­se sug­gest at least 2 desi­red dates. After boo­king, you will recei­ve con­fir­ma­ti­on of your desi­red date. For this appoint­ment you will recei­ve a zoom link to your e‑mail address. Sim­ply click on the link to start the call (you may need to install the Zoom cli­ent first). If Zoom is not pos­si­ble for you, plea­se let us know and we will find ano­ther possibility.