A Kiss of the Universe

19. Sep­tem­ber 2021
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Oeko­gek­ko, 14557 Wilhelmshorst

Vanessa Venus & Friends

Gen­re: Spi­ri­tu­al Music, Solo Singing

An evening that will be remem­be­red: On this evening Vanes­sa Venus enters in a spe­cial sta­te to recei­ve the lan­guage of the uni­ver­se. A magic of a sup­po­sedly unknown lan­guage, which – melo­di­cal­ly sway­ed – opens a new space and sounds like Rus­si­an, Ita­li­an, Hebrew or anci­ent lan­guages, depen­ding on the audi­ence present.

As a heal­ing medi­um with psy­chic gifts, Vanes­sa recei­ves out of the moment, free­ly impro­ved. In doing so, she is play­ed like an instru­ment. Sung uni­ques car­ri­ed and gui­ded by our grea­test power, love. Her sin­ging is sup­port­ed of the pia­no play­er Mir­ko Fin­ger and Sun­pan Play­er Wash­kar Schnei­der – tog­e­ther free and out of the moment.

A musi­cal ener­gy smoothie that wraps its­elf around your enti­re being like a cloak of light and brings the heal­ing that is nee­ded in this moment. Let your cells vibra­te and expe­ri­ence a sen­si­ti­ve heal­ing sin­ging jour­ney that is unpar­al­le­led in its depth and wide­ness. You can find more infor­ma­ti­on under light music.

Audio Samples

  1. Star of Destiny (live recording) Venus & Friends 4:26
  2. I am worth it (live recording) Venus & Friends 1:13
  3. Circle of Life (live recording) Venus & Friends 2:16
  4. Relief (live recording) Malunga Malur 2:24


19. Sep­tem­ber 2021
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Oeko­gek­ko, 14557 Wilhelmshorst



Oeko­gek­ko, An den Ber­gen 106, 14557 Wilhelmshorst
Das Oeko­gek­ko befin­det sich am Wal­des­rand in dem idyl­li­schen Ort Wil­helms­horst und ist mit dem Auto, Fahr­rad und der Bahn gut zu errei­chen. Der Bahn­hof ist nur 10 Minu­ten Fuß­weg entfernt.
The Oeko­gek­ko is loca­ted on the edge of the forest in the idyl­lic vil­la­ge of Wil­helms­horst and is easi­ly acces­si­ble by car, bicy­cle and train. The train sta­ti­on is only 10 minu­tes walk away.

Im Oeko­gek­ko begeg­nen Men­schen ein­an­der und tau­schen Erfah­run­gen, Kennt­nis­se und Fer­tig­kei­ten zu den The­men Öko­lo­gie, Ernäh­rung, Gesund­heit und ein natür­li­ches Leben aus. Hier fin­den sich auch alter­na­ti­ve Wohn- und Schlafmöglichkeiten.
At Oeko­gek­ko peo­p­le meet each other and exch­an­ge expe­ri­en­ces, know­ledge and skills on the topics of eco­lo­gy, nut­ri­ti­on, health and a natu­ral life. Here you can also find alter­na­ti­ve housing and slee­ping arrangements.