Clearing & Healing

Clearing & Healing

Clea­ring and Heal­ing: 30 minutes 133,00 EUR

A lot of infor­ma­ti­on and ener­gies are stored in our enti­re body sys­tem. Old pro­gramming and belief pat­terns, ill­nesses, blocka­ges, oaths, enti­ties, para­si­tes and much more. What one can per­cei­ve clair­voy­ant­ly in the spi­ri­tu­al field is very exten­si­ve. All the­se ener­gies influence our phy­si­cal, emo­tio­nal and spi­ri­tu­al health and can block and bur­den our lives.

Vanes­sa frees your body sys­tem from for­eign ener­gies and ever­y­thing that is show­ing up in this moment, that wants to be dis­sol­ved and hea­led. You don’t need to do any­thing actively, except lie down rela­xed and obser­ve what you can per­cei­ve in your body. In con­trast to Aura Coa­ching, Vanes­sa does not gui­de you to heal yours­elf, but works alo­ne on your body sys­tem. For this reason she can bring more in solu­ti­on and heal­ing than would be pos­si­ble in the same time with Aura Coa­ching. After the ses­si­on the­re will be an eva­lua­ti­on talk.

You will feel ligh­ter and balan­ced after­wards and feel a chan­ge in your dai­ly life. This can also take a few days or weeks to reach the phy­si­cal body.

Booking and Zoom

Booking and appointment

The offer takes place via zoom video call and in indi­vi­du­al cases on site. When boo­king your appoint­ment, plea­se sug­gest at least 2 desi­red dates. After boo­king, you will recei­ve con­fir­ma­ti­on of your desi­red date. For this appoint­ment you will recei­ve a zoom link to your e‑mail address. Sim­ply click on the link to start the call (you may need to install the Zoom cli­ent first). If Zoom is not pos­si­ble for you, plea­se let us know and we will find ano­ther possibility.