Planet of Love



Healing movement out of the moment

Move­ment is healt­hy and keeps us ali­ve. Spi­rit-Ener­gy-Move can be remi­nis­cent of Yoga, Pila­tes, Qigong, dance or other body-ener­gy trai­nings and is what the body is cal­ling for, packa­ged in move­ment. What began with trai­ning in bal­let and tap dance, jazz dance, artis­tic cycling, ath­le­tics and yoga, deve­lo­ped into a move­ment tea­ching that is recei­ved from the moment and con­sists of breathing, medi­ta­ti­on, body exer­ci­s­es, ener­gy work, deep rela­xa­ti­on as well as heal­ing sin­ging and sound. Spi­rit-Ener­gy-Move cle­an­ses the ener­gy body, has a har­mo­ni­s­ing effect, char­ges with new life ener­gy, streng­thens the body and brings you into your shining.

The move­ments help your body to heal its­elf as the ener­gies move to the weak points, balan­cing and har­mo­ni­s­ing them. Unli­ke yoga, the exer­ci­s­es are recei­ved from the source out of the moment and pas­sed on to the cour­se par­ti­ci­pan­ts. In this way, a body-ener­gy trai­ning is crea­ted that is tail­o­red to the situa­ti­on of the participants.

SEM DANCE is based on SEM and moves into an even freer dance trai­ning that focu­ses on releasing and incre­asing life ener­gy. This hap­pens by releasing blocka­ges and ener­gy accu­mu­la­ti­ons that are noti­ceable in the body. The par­ti­ci­pant can move more indi­vi­du­al­ly in the heal­ing move­ment. Free and gui­ded dance move­ments and stret­ching are added. This invol­ves con­scious­ly working with fema­le and male ener­gy, which are brought into balan­ce during SEM DANCE.

SEM Class online

Join the Love Com­mu­ni­ty live every Wed­nes­day at 7.00 pm and give your body some exer­cise in your fami­li­ar sur­roun­dings. The cour­se lan­guage is Ger­man. Buy your ticket on our offer page and off you go! You will recei­ve the Zoom link from us every week befo­re the start of the cour­se. We look for­ward to see­ing you!

SEM on Youtube

If you would like to get to know Spi­rit Ener­gy Move wit­hout obli­ga­ti­on, feel wel­co­me to visit us on Pla­net of Love TV. We publish new vide­os the­re at regu­lar inter­vals for you to try out. We have a ger­man and an eng­lish channel.