Planet of Love



Healing project for the New World

Pla­net of Love is a heal­ing pro­ject for the world, which was con­cei­ved with a visi­on by Vanes­sa Venus. Her mis­si­on is to rea­li­se it with a team and to crea­te places whe­re peo­p­le and ani­mals live tog­e­ther in peace and love, as in para­di­se. A place of per­fect love and the begin­ning of the new age of light!

Our pla­nets enable heal­ing on all levels: Take an ener­gy cle­an­sing bath, tre­at yours­elf to medi­al heal­ing tre­at­ments, ener­gy mas­sa­ges, clea­ring sau­na ses­si­ons, vibrant raw food deli­ca­ci­es, clas­ses for con­scious body fit­ness and lec­tures on con­scious­ness, quan­tum phy­sics and spi­ri­tua­li­ty. Medi­ta­te in our light dome and let yours­elf be trans­for­med by heal­ing chants. Here you live with visi­tors in a natu­ral, loving, con­nec­ted way and expe­ri­ence the beau­ty of being.

The temp­le and the enti­re pro­per­ty ser­ve your heal­ing, pro­tec­tion and enligh­ten­ment. Look for­ward to spe­cial encoun­ters and exch­an­ges with like-min­ded souls. Get to know yours­elf and your soul bet­ter and deve­lop the gifts and hig­her sen­ses you have brought with you.

Our Light-Dome

Love is our power, truth our rea­li­ty, light our gui­de – the­se gui­ding prin­ci­ples shape our heal­ing temp­le and form its ener­gy. Our temp­le, built from natu­ral mate­ri­als, does wit­hout elec­tri­ci­ty and the asso­cia­ted radia­ti­on. It is illu­mi­na­ted by day­light alo­ne and has an inte­gra­ted green­house. The light, the white walls and colum­ns and the many plants give the enti­re buil­ding a para­di­sia­cal appearance. Our sacred place is free of images, incen­se and dei­ties. Here, love alo­ne adorns the pre­mi­ses and is the hig­hest com­mandment. The high vibra­ti­on and the ener­gy of love help to remem­ber, heal and grow.

Ani­mal-Sup­port­ed The­ra­py and Animal-Communication

Ani­mals are hea­lers, con­nec­tors of worlds and tea­chers. How do I approach ani­mals? How do I dis­co­ver my hig­her sen­ses with the help of ani­mal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on? What beha­viour pat­terns and inju­ries do ani­mals reflect to me? What do they take from me and what can I give back to them?

Forest Child­ren House for small incar­na­ted Gods

Our child­ren are our future. How do I nur­tu­re a child’s soul in its spe­cial­ness wit­hout con­stric­ting it? How do I main­tain the natu­ral and joyful inte­rest in lear­ning? How does free lear­ning work? How do I behave as a gui­de? What can child­ren learn from natu­re and what can the new souls teach us?

Orga­nic Per­ma­cul­tu­re and Agroforestry

Natu­re heals, natu­re grounds, natu­re con­nects. How can far­ming be done with orga­nic, natu­re-streng­thening per­ma­cul­tu­re? How do I crea­te a win-win situa­ti­on bet­ween humans and natu­re? How do I increase the ener­gy of my food, how is a self-suf­fi­ci­ent food sup­p­ly possible?

Rawrant and Vegan Nutrition

You are what you eat. How do I incor­po­ra­te a heal­ing diet into my dai­ly life that keeps me young, radi­ant, healt­hy and fit? How do I fast pro­per­ly to cle­an­se and heal my orga­nism? What are the bene­fits of a raw food diet? How do I prepa­re deli­cious vegan, living raw food dishes?

Greek Well­ness and Natu­ral Body Care

How I tre­at mys­elf is how I tre­at other peo­p­le! How do I make her­bal oils for mas­sa­ges that help the body heal? How much time do I take every day to pam­per mys­elf and my body? How do I care for mys­elf natu­ral­ly, wit­hout che­mi­cals? How do I make my own care and house­hold pro­ducts, and which plants are useful for this?

Heal­ing Moving

Move­ment heals, move­ment main­ta­ins joy, move­ment keeps young. What does a gui­ded body trai­ning for puri­fi­ca­ti­on, libe­ra­ti­on, clea­ring of ener­gies look like? What con­scious body fit­ness defi­nes the new age? What is Spi­rit-Ener­gy-Move and how does forest fit­ness work? What does my instinc­ti­ve, intui­ti­ve, mindful move­ment trai­ning look like? What does my body want at what time, and whe­re are my limits?

Awa­re­ness and Counsciousness

Mindful­ness and awa­re­ness set us free. What know­ledge has been lost to us? What ener­gies are in and around us? How do I take care of my aura, my spi­ri­tu­al ener­gy body? How do I heal old wounds and trau­mas? How do I rea­li­se my goals and dreams? What are the bene­fits of regu­lar medi­ta­ti­on? How do I deal with other peo­p­le in a loving, honest and truthful way so that growth can happen?

Craft and Handicraft

Hand­ma­de soot­hes, hand­ma­de focu­ses, hand­ma­de grounds. Isn’t it a gre­at fee­ling to eat with a spoon you made yours­elf? How does car­ving, joi­n­ery and pot­tery work? How do I make my own natu­ral toys and uten­sils? What effects do dif­fe­rent natu­ral mate­ri­als have on me and how do I tre­at them best?

Com­mu­ni­ty in the Smoothie-Tree-House

This is whe­re the music takes place, lite­ral­ly. Which music inspi­res, is posi­ti­ve, light-fil­led and moti­va­tes? How do I crea­te a mee­ting place for exch­an­ge, dance, play and song? How does a healt­hy com­mu­ni­ty life take place?

Ways of deal­ing with money and means of exchange

Money moves the world. How do I deal with money as a means of exch­an­ge in a playful and trus­ting way? How do I resol­ve my lack? What exch­an­ge sys­tems are the­re that are not based on debt? How do I come to trust that I am always taken care of? What can I give to the com­mu­ni­ty ins­tead of pay­ing? How do I start sha­ring and living „brot­her­ly love”?

Natu­re Energy

Natu­ral­ness heals the world. Natu­ral­ness heals us. What effect does an elec­tri­ci­ty- and radia­ti­on-free heal­ing temp­le have on me? How can I gain natu­ral ener­gy for low-cur­rent use? What equip­ment can I replace with manu­al ope­ra­ti­on? How is it pos­si­ble to live in harm­o­ny with nature?