Planet of Love



Let miracles happen

Did you know that the human body con­sists lar­ge­ly of pure ener­gy? Our con­scious and uncon­scious thoughts and fee­lings shape this ener­gy and are thus part­ly respon­si­ble for the emer­gence of health and ill­ness. Ill­ness ari­ses when this body ener­gy is out of balan­ce and not expres­sed appro­pria­te­ly. Heal­ing can hap­pen when the uncon­scious is brought to the sur­face, con­scious decis­i­ons are made and exis­ting blocka­ges are dissolved.

Vanes­sa is high­ly sen­si­ti­ve and has been a hea­ler sin­ce her youth. Due to her clair­voy­ant and sen­si­ti­ve gifts, she has her own access to the spi­ri­tu­al world and uses this to see the blocka­ges, ill­nesses and other pro­blems in the aura of her cli­ents. This allows her to bet­ter per­cei­ve the lan­guages of her cli­ents’ suf­fe­ring and gives her a spe­cial access to their con­cerns. Vanes­sa works with the Christ con­scious­ness. Her best fri­end, tea­cher and savi­or, Jesus Christ gui­des her through all the heal­ing ses­si­ons. Ses­si­ons also take place at a distance or video-mee­tings. Heal­ing ses­si­ons for ani­mals are also possible.

Aura Heal­ing Coa­ching: to the offer
Clea­ring & Heal­ing: to the offer
Clair­voy­ant Room Clea­ring: to the offer

Available in Schwielowsee/​ Pots­dam, Chem­nitz and via online meeting.

Each per­son has his or her own approach to heal­ing and will find the right com­pa­n­ion for it, depen­ding on his or her per­so­na­li­ty. In the fol­lo­wing, you can choo­se from dif­fe­rent heal­ing offers, depen­ding on what you feel appeals to you.