Planet of Love



Partners and supporters with whom we cooperate

What would Pla­net of Love be wit­hout a part­ner? More can be achie­ved through coope­ra­ti­on than by going it alo­ne. Our thanks go to our part­ners and spon­sors who sup­port us in rea­li­zing our project.

Kraftquell Black Pearl

For tho­se who are faced with new chal­lenges, need moti­va­ti­on and strength or want to over­co­me trau­mas and fears, the gent­le Frie­si­an hor­ses are quiet and under­stan­ding fri­ends, tea­chers and the­ra­pists as well as „con­nec­tors of worlds”. They show what true poten­ti­al lies within a per­son and help to over­co­me per­so­nal limits. In the Kraft­quell Black Pearl you dis­co­ver your own strengths through the trust of the hor­ses and a hap­py new atti­tu­de towards life: „I live now!”. Our litt­le wolf Jah­ve also comes from the Frie­si­an Stud.


The cozy the­ra­py cen­ter Capu­vi­ta pro­vi­des us with rooms for events and heal­ing ses­si­ons until we have built our first planet.


Oeko­gek­ko is an open cen­ter whe­re peo­p­le can meet each other and exch­an­ge expe­ri­en­ces, know­ledge and skills on the topics of eco­lo­gy, vege­ta­ria­nism, vega­nism, nut­ri­ti­on and a life with natu­re. Here we have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to use pre­mi­ses and estab­lish contacts.


Silen­zio is the dis­tri­bu­tor for our music. If you want to be a dis­tri­bu­tor and bring our music to the world, you can cont­act the team of Silenzio.