Planet of Love

Vanessa Venus

Vanessa Venus

Visionary, Clairvoyant Healing Singer & Healing Medium, Spirit-Energy-Move-Founder, Raw Food Consultant

As the foun­der, Vanes­sa is the heart of the pro­ject and the dri­ving force. Vanes­sa has her fin­gers in the pie ever­y­whe­re, keeps the over­view and ensu­res that the clear Love ener­gy is main­tai­ned. Vanes­sa has high sen­ses and clair­voy­ant abili­ties. As a hea­ler and heal­ing sin­ger she helps other peo­p­le to achie­ve health, well-being, vita­li­ty, joy of life and inner peace. During her pre­sence and work she con­nects with God, the hig­her self and the uni­ver­sal and stron­gest power, the love.

To make her ide­as acces­si­ble to a wider audi­ence, Vanes­sa has laun­ched Pla­net of Love TV into being. The varie­ty of topics ran­ges from from living heal­ing food and heal­ing to heal­ing sin­ging and living in living in harm­o­ny with nature.

Divine gifts

As a child Vanes­sa alre­a­dy com­mu­ni­ca­ted with the divi­ne source. Later she rea­li­zed that she recei­ved cer­tain abili­ties nd gifts: she could read other peo­p­les thoughts, feel other people’s pain, saw spi­ri­tu­al beings, recei­ved dreams, images and visi­ons from the future and infor­ma­ti­on about peo­p­le she did not know befo­re. Over the time, she lear­ned to com­mu­ni­ca­te with ani­mals, plants, as well with spi­rits, angels and saints, of whom she owed her knowledge.

During various tea­chings and trai­nings like Anthro­po­so­phy, Bud­dhism, Rei­ki, Yoga, Natur­opa­thy, body­work, Ani­mal-Assis­ted The­ra­py and Shama­nism, she beca­me incre­asing­ly awa­re that at the moment of heal­ing she was being gui­ded and led by a hig­her power – the divi­ne, uni­ver­sal con­scious­ness. Vanessa’s mot­to in life is „What would love do?” This ques­ti­on is the basis in all her decis­i­ons and actions.

The healing art of singing

Sin­ging has accom­pa­nied Vanes­sa from the very begin­ning. Sin­ce her ear­ly child­hood she sang and recor­ded songs, wro­te lyrics, recei­ved clas­si­cal sin­ging les­sons and later foun­ded her own bands to be able to work as a singer.
Later she was enligh­ten­ed with help of her heal­ing path and dis­co­ver­ed a who­le new way of sin­ging self-free. Through anthro­po­so­phi­cal heal­ing chan­ting tech­ni­ques, she lear­ned what it is like to be sung by the divi­ne con­scious­ness wit­hout any invol­vement of her own. She saw how she alre­a­dy work­ed with her sin­ging in other lives and that she was born into this world in order to touch peo­p­le deep­ly with her sin­ging, to bring heal­ing, to enligh­ten and to rai­se the enti­re vibra­ti­on of the planet.