Planet of Love


Love Team

Who is behind the project?

We are loo­king for the right mem­bers for our Pla­net fami­ly and are hap­py to wel­co­me fun-loving, com­mit­ted peo­p­le who want to grow with us. Do you have a knack for finan­ce, manage­ment and orga­ni­sa­ti­on, are you a musi­ci­an, hea­ler or some­thing else? Then sur­pri­se us. We are loo­king for­ward to you!

Vanessa Venus

Foun­der, Visio­na­ry and Heart of the Project
Clair­voy­ant Heal­ing Sin­ger & Heal­ing Medium
Crea­tor from Spi­rit Ener­gy Move
Raw Food Muse

Free Supporter

Web Design, Event technology,
Raw food kit­chen angels & caterers,
Hel­ping hands and more


Cas­par, Hea­ler and guardian,

For our Abso­lu­te Heal­ing Day we have recur­ring hea­lers, spea­k­ers or coa­ches as guests, who enrich the day with their spe­cial energy.

Andreas Teichrib

Pre­sence Coach
Self-Heal­ing Initiator

Jessica Kummer

Trau­ma Educator
Brea­thwork and Emo­ti­anal Worker
Men­tor for Transformation